Wednesday, December 8, 2010

4:30 Comes Earlier & Earlier

James mentioned the other morning that 4:30 seems to come earlier and earlier.  I think he was being funny, but then I realized I had actually been forwarding the clock 2-3 minutes anytime I reset the alarm clock to a different time (weekends, rest days, etc).   So, when the clock said 4:30 - it was actually 4:18.  Whoops!

Honestly, I'm totally digging this getting up and working out and being done.  I've even mentioned to the gym owner that a 5AM class EVERY morning of the week would be - well, awesome!   He said that meant he had to get up at 3:30, which was really hard to do 5 days a week.  Psssft!

Today's workout, in three words:  Kicked My Arse.  It was tough.   We did warmups 2-3 x (10 pushups; 10 pullups; 10 overhead squats; 10 GH Situps; 10 Back Extensions; 1000 meter row).  I managed 1 set (I needed instruction on the WOD. 

The WOD was:  3,4, or 5 rounds of 18 reps of full dumbbell squat cleans @ 15 (each dumbbell); 15 Knees to Elbows (you hang from pull up bar and pull your knees up to touch your elbows); 15 Back extensions.  Once you were finished with all your rounds, you had to do another 500m Row.

I managed 3 rounds + the row in 18:08.  It was tough.  I sometimes forget that if I workout on my own (especially with weights,) I tend not to push myself as hard as I should.  I don't really get that option in Crossfit.  I remembered today what muscle failure feels like.  And, it felt gooooooooood!

A little off the diet last night.  We had a small get together after work yesterday at a upscale Mexican restaurant near work.  Had we ordered dinner, I think I'd been okay.  But, the bosses ordered appetizers to share.  So, what they ordered was what there was.  I did manage to talk them into Ceviche de Atún y Camarones, which was chilled citrus-marinated tuna and shrimp with chipotle chili and onions.    I did end up with a few corn chips & guac and two small pieces of a spinach/sausage quesadillas.  I had a very small  pomegranate margarita (and only drank about 1/2, but sssssh!)


  1. i usually was up before my 4:50 alarm went off while i was working in boston. i hated dragging myself up (i'm never good at that), but there's an awesome feeling in knowing you did more for your health before everyone else even got out of bed than most people do in a week. i also figured that it meant i knew i'd done at least one good thing that day.

  2. LOL about your clock! And, at least the margarita had pomegranate in it!

    Sounds like a great workout!

    Winks & Smiles,
