Monday, August 1, 2011

Half Year Resolutions

The amazing thing about a blog is that if you're not committed to post regularly, you don't.  Then you look up and it's been almost 2 months since you've posted anything.  And, you realize how little progress you've made in those two months.

So, let's catch-up first.

1.  Done with Weight Watchers (again).   At least I've identified what makes Weight Watchers not work for me.  I can't get past the "the week is blown (i.e., I've used up my reserve points) so I might as well start over on (next meeting.)"    And, let's not even start on how that spirals out of control if I have to miss (next meeting) for something or another.

2.  My new goal is that it is never more than a 5 pound problem.  That means, I'm reeling it back in before the "up swing" is more than 5 pounds from my most recent lowest weight.  It helps.  It gives me some fluctuation.  It allows me to refocus more quickly.  It's working so far.

3.   Running.  Triathlon.   Uhm, I'm not even sure what that is right now.  I haven't run at all since the Peachtree Road Race.  I don't have any interest.   Not sure what that means on the Savannah Rock 'n Roll front, but for now.  I'm just not interested (BUT!  I want to be interested and I think that's a step in the right direction.)

4.  I've stopped CrossFit, for now.  I was having some nagging discomfort in my lower back.  I think it was from the 3x week met-con without really implementing a true strength training system.  Doing 5 rounds of 8 clean and jerks as fast as possible isn't always the best for your form, and I wasn't adding strength.

5.  I am currently lifting heavy (well, working toward heavy) 3 times per week using the 5x5 program.  I've done more squats in the last month than I have in the last 5 years.  And, I really, really forgot how much I love the deadlift.

So, that's where we are fitness/diet/exercise wise.  Personally, I'm struggling to get through my certification class (time management issues), the boys are back in school today, and we bought a condo in Myrtle Beach.  Plus we went on a kick arse family vacation!

Being that today is August 1, I'm going to set two mid- year fitness/diet/health resolutions.

1.  Lose 20 pounds from today's weight by December 31, 2011.   That's <1 pound per week, if you're counting.  Reasonable.  Attainable.

2.  Bench press my new body weight for a minimum of 3x5 by December 31, 2011.  I'm currently about 40% of my current body weight through the program, so a lot of hard work ahead.

Weight Loss Goal:  -20
Current Weight Loss:  0

Bench Press Goal:  100% of Body Weight
Current Bench Press:  39.59%

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