Because school is finally back in session! It's been a long 11 days. And since, they'd only been back at school for two days since Winter Break, it's been a really long month.
Grant it, it is kind of nice to have my mornings not feel rushed. But, GoshDagNabit, if those kids should be in school -- they should I'm really over the "He Touched Me" phone calls.
Tonight, I am attending a nutrition seminar in place of my workout. I've been really good about the M-W-F 5am workout, but I seem to have issue getting up on T-R to get to the gym. For some reason, my brain says "It's coooooold outside" when I try to get up at 4:30 on T-R. I've got to conquer that.
I was messaging back and forth yesterday about my status as a runner. Truthfully, I'm just not sure. I'm having the same issue that I have every winter - when I just don't want to run outside and long miles on the treadmill aren't appealing either. Hmm. Also, I'm still not sure what I want to do distance wise, you know? (I know my few readers are thinking "Gah! Haven't you beat this horse to death yet!?")
There's the pressure of another marathon. Which I know I don't have to do. Ever. I like the half marathon distance. But, do I even want to train for that at this point. And how does all this fit in to the fact that I want to do a full iron distance in 2012.
Decisions, Decisions and then the question of if you made the right one!
I reiterate - I need a Fairy GodCoach to figure all this out!
I hear ya, I was fighting burnout big time from running, and so I've focused on CF. But I want a balance, I just need to decide :) I'm catching up on your posts!