Monday, January 17, 2011

CrossFit & Stuff

It was a long weekend at our house.   Friday afternoon, we had to make the incredibly hard decision to put our second oldest dog down.  He'd stopped eating.  He was lethargic.  He just wasn't himself.  The vet determined it was an intestinal blockage and because of his age and other factors, she recommended that we put him down.  So, Saturday morning, we said our goodbyes and well,...

The rest of the weekend was quiet.  We just didn't feel like doing much.  We did some family stuff.  Hung out at home.  And, just let everyone, including the other pups be sad.  

I feel kind of like Forrest Gump about the pup.  "That's all I've got to say about that...."

In other news, the I Am CrossFit Challenge 2 finally kicked off at the gym this morning.  It was delayed a week because of the Snow/Ice situation.   If you're interested, I'm blogging that completely separately from this blog.   That blog can be found at:   You can also reach it by following the tab above labeled CrossFit Challenge.  It should redirect you in a new window (unless you have pop-ups blocked.)

I will talk about it here, since that'll be a good bit of my workouts for the next 30-ish days, but I wanted a way to really document progress and not let it get bogged down with everything else I'm blogging about. 

Happy Monday!


  1. I'm sorry about your doggie. Was it one of the big ones that I met a few years ago?

  2. So sorry about your dog. We had to put one of ours down a few years ago and it was really hard.

    Sending hugs!

    Winks & smiles,
